Extra-Curricular » Outdoor Education

Outdoor Education

2024 - 2025

Advisors: Mr. P. Nikulak


The outdoor ed program will be changing this year. We will be doing smaller and more frequent trips to allow many different students to be involved. More information will be coming out in early September.


2023 - 2024

Advisors: Mr. P. Nikulak and Ms. E. Choquette


The outdoor ed program was merged with the Wildlife and Habitat Studies 30 class this year. The students took part in a number of trips including:

  • Medicine Walks
  • Wagon Rides
  • Horse Therapy
  • Canoeing
  • Bee Keeping
and other events!


2022 - 2023

Advisors: Mrs. M. Godfrey and Mr. P. Nikulak

This year, the outdoor ed group took a three day tenting trip to Waskesiu. They had the opportunity to go zip-lining, wall climbing, fishing, hiking, and participate in several other fun activities


2021 - 2022

Advisors: Mr. T. Koepke and Mrs. S. Dodd




2020 - 2021

Outdoor Education was postponed this year due to COVID restrictions

2019 - 2020

Outdoor Education was postponed this year due to COVID restrictions

2018 - 2019

Advisors: Mr. T. Koepke and Ms. M. Brann

Image of PCHS students in the snow participating in outdoor education

2017 - 2018

Advisors: Mr. T. Koepke and Ms. C. Shindel
Image of PCHS students in the snow participating in outdoor education