Extra-Curricular » Extra-Curricular


PCHS offers students a variety of extra-curricular opportunities. As they become relevant in the year, they will appear here.​ All extra-curricular activities are dependent upon having an advisor/coach and enough students interested and participating in the activity.
2024 - 2025
Activity Start Dates ​Advisors/Coaches
​SRC All Year Ms. Giroux​
​Sr. Girls Volleyball September 3rd Mr. Watts / Ms. Cyr
Golf (2024) September 3rd Mr. Watts
Golf (2025) April 7th Mr. Watts
Cross Country​ June 10th ​Mrs. Dodd
Curling Early December Mr. Watts & Mrs. Linford
Go Karts September to April Mrs. Francis & Ms. Giroux
​Outdoor Education All Year Mr. Nikulak​
​Yearbook / Photo Club All Year Mr. Nikulak
​Announcements All Year Mr. Nikulak​
​Robotics Club October to May  
​Archery January to April Mr. Nikulak & Mr. Watts
​Breakfast Club All Year Ms. Giroux
Badminton February to May Mrs. Dodd​
Track and Field March to June Ms. Abbott & Mr. Nikulak
E-Sports / Board Games Club All Year Mr. Nikulak
GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) All Year